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I have to say, the scene where Esther and Ahasuerus fall in love with each other at first sight and instantly declare their everlasting love is as cute as two puppies in matching outfits.

Meanwhile, the Hebrew /Amalekite tension is wracked up to about 11 as the two groups hurl insults around like Red Sox and Yankee fans in a Providence bar at closing time. The book doesn't hold back punches on how stupidly violent things get.

But, in between bouts of violence, there is of course, the most famous b

I have to say, the scene where Esther and Ahasuerus fall in love with each other at first sight and instantly declare their everlasting love is as cute as two puppies in matching outfits.

Meanwhile, the Hebrew /Amalekite tension is wracked up to about 11 as the two groups hurl insults around like Red Sox and Yankee fans in a Providence bar at closing time. The book doesn't hold back punches on how stupidly violent things get.

But, in between bouts of violence, there is of course, the most famous beauty pageant of the ancient world since Paris handed out that golden apple. It gets into the details of selection and the honest conflicting emotions both Esther and Mordechai feel about wanting / not wanting to be chosen.

At the palace, we get all the usual abundance of opulent and indulgent beauty, which makes for a wonderfully contrasting background when Esther choses to risk her life to try and stop Haman's planned massacre.

All of the characters are well developed, with motivations provided and actions delved into that does an excellent job turning the biblical story into a well-crafted full length novel.

A book that holds up even after all these decades.

Mar 23, 2009 rated it really liked it
Despite the biblical source -- not a preachy story. Esther is an appealing heroine. The story reads like a novel (as opposed to many Christian fiction books for children that are self-conscious, stilted, and didactic). Hard to find a copy, but worth the search.
Diane Mueller
Jan 11, 2012 rated it it was amazing
I read this years ago. A wonderful story of Queen Esther. This story takes the true story and adds voices you never hear in the Bible. It helped me as a young girl feel important. Esther is still one of my favorite Bible story.
Lara Lleverino
This was one of my favorites books growing up. I checked it out so many time from the library that I can to this day walk in my head to exactly the place it sat on the shelves. A fictional retelling of the story of Esther, I enjoyed every detail!
Lizzy G
Nov 05, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I stumbled across t this book many years ago in a school library. It was the perfect read for a young adolescent girl, and it is still one of my favorite books. It is also my favorite retelling of the Esther story. I was over the moon when I discovered it was back in print. (A million thanks to those involved in its republication.)

I believe the greatness of this version of the story lies in the fictional retelling. All the events follow those presented in the Bible. However, the author fleshes

I stumbled across t this book many years ago in a school library. It was the perfect read for a young adolescent girl, and it is still one of my favorite books. It is also my favorite retelling of the Esther story. I was over the moon when I discovered it was back in print. (A million thanks to those involved in its republication.)

I believe the greatness of this version of the story lies in the fictional retelling. All the events follow those presented in the Bible. However, the author fleshes out the details to create a truly compelling story.

It is good to note that this version definitively romanticizes many aspects of the King of Persia's character. This is especially true regarding his casting out of his first queen, his search for a new queen, and the fact that he had many other wives and concubines besides Esther.

The author doesn't exactly deny these facts, she just down plays all sexual aspects of living in a harem and being given to a King during a beauty contest. Given the time period for which the author wrote this makes sense. Also a few of the more gruesome details regarding Haman and the fight between the Jews and the Amalekites are glossed over.

None of this diminishes the portrayal of a truly wonderful heroine, and the lack of sexual material merely makes this book very appropriate for young readers. I would definitely recommend it for even the most conservative parents.

Christina Matić
Mar 21, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Anyone
Recommended to Christina by: Me
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This was amazing! The beautiful story of Esther brought vividly to life! I knew at once it was one of those books I'd want proudly displayed on my shelf. Every character was believe-able, every scene enjoyable. The romance was beautiful! Although not biblically accurate, I think this is a great book everyone should check out. Esther is the story of a brave heroine, lovely romance, thrilling plot, despicable villain, and a truly happy ending. This was amazing! The beautiful story of Esther brought vividly to life! I knew at once it was one of those books I'd want proudly displayed on my shelf. Every character was believe-able, every scene enjoyable. The romance was beautiful! Although not biblically accurate, I think this is a great book everyone should check out. Esther is the story of a brave heroine, lovely romance, thrilling plot, despicable villain, and a truly happy ending. ...more
Naomi Young
Dec 11, 2011 rated it really liked it
Very pleasant historical juvenile/YA (but I don't think they had YA as a category in 1951) that hews pretty closely to the longer text of the book of Esther. Of course, there has been much embroidering to give the principal characters more backstory and interior life. Additionally, Ahasuerus and Esther are pictured as having a romantic love for one another that seems significantly anachronistic. A quick and simple read, and one that might attract a girl who has a taste for hearts and flower. Very pleasant historical juvenile/YA (but I don't think they had YA as a category in 1951) that hews pretty closely to the longer text of the book of Esther. Of course, there has been much embroidering to give the principal characters more backstory and interior life. Additionally, Ahasuerus and Esther are pictured as having a romantic love for one another that seems significantly anachronistic. A quick and simple read, and one that might attract a girl who has a taste for hearts and flower. ...more
Nov 20, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: everybody
Recommended to Marissa by: sister
This is the story of Esther in a way never told. Of course it is not non-fiction, but most of it is passed on fact. It was well written and very interesting. I really love the different perspective that this book gives. It was really good! I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in the story of Esther.
I read this book more than once when I was a preteen. I loved the story and it has stayed with me to this day. I was thinking of what other books I had read more than once - To kill a Mockingbird, The Book Thief -because I loved them and I remembered Behold Your Queen. I searched online and found that it was in print again so I am thinking I may need to read it again!
Mar 26, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Originally written for the YA category this novel of Queen Esther and how she saves her people was written long ago and only recently came back into print. It has stayed with me all these years. Highly recommended.
Sep 19, 2007 rated it it was amazing
AMAZING personal version of the Esther story - great for girls of all ages although it's VERY hard to find and completely out of print it's worth the hunt to find it and read it. AMAZING personal version of the Esther story - great for girls of all ages although it's VERY hard to find and completely out of print it's worth the hunt to find it and read it. ...more
Linda Horn
I read this book in the 7th grade. I loved it. It brought the story of Esther in the Old Testament to life... I couldn't put it down. I read this book in the 7th grade. I loved it. It brought the story of Esther in the Old Testament to life... I couldn't put it down. ...more
Full length book that fleshes out the Biblical tale of Esther. Not sure how many liberties she takes with the story, but I enjoyed the added character development and details.
Jul 24, 2012 rated it it was amazing
One of the best books I have ever read! I would love to own my own copy of this book.
Tandava Graham
Queen Esther is the subject of our school play this year, and the teacher writing the script said she started from this book, so I thought I'd read it and get a little head start. I expect us to do a much better job than this, though, since I was severely unimpressed.

First of all, Esther is just exceedingly passive. She's just there being beautiful and humble and obedient and all, for pretty much most of the book. (And it took a long time just to get past the beauty pageants.) Her main accomplis

Queen Esther is the subject of our school play this year, and the teacher writing the script said she started from this book, so I thought I'd read it and get a little head start. I expect us to do a much better job than this, though, since I was severely unimpressed.

First of all, Esther is just exceedingly passive. She's just there being beautiful and humble and obedient and all, for pretty much most of the book. (And it took a long time just to get past the beauty pageants.) Her main accomplishment is getting a message to the king a couple of times. There was much more of an interesting plot with the king and Haman and Mordecai.

And I don't know how much of this book was based on historical fact, vs. how much was the author's fault, but an awful lot of the story just didn't hold together. Why was is such a big deal to get messages to the king? It said they sent notes back and forth all the time, since he couldn't often visit her. And the law about not approaching the king unbidden also specifies that he can just override that by pointing his sceptre, so why was she so concerned that he wouldn't? And then he supposedly can't undo a decree that he already passed, but then he effectively does (with the letter saying the Hebrews were "free... from the punishment decreed in our former letter") but then for some reason they all still have to fight? And finally, after waiting to make sure the Jews killed all the Amalekites, Esther is now the queen of love and peace? Seems like she could have earned that title better by preventing the bloodshed in the first place.

Dara Haldane-Lindley
Heroine of Scripture Reimagined As Heroine of Gothic Romance

Why do I compare Esther (one of the only two Biblical women to rate their own books) to a Gothic heroine? Consider these points: she's an orphan; she travels far to dwell in a vast palace; she conceals her true background, lest she attract the "wrong kind" of attention; she marries the powerful and handsome, yet remote and brooding master of the palace (and in this case, of a kingdom); she finds herself in a dire predicament that threat

Heroine of Scripture Reimagined As Heroine of Gothic Romance

Why do I compare Esther (one of the only two Biblical women to rate their own books) to a Gothic heroine? Consider these points: she's an orphan; she travels far to dwell in a vast palace; she conceals her true background, lest she attract the "wrong kind" of attention; she marries the powerful and handsome, yet remote and brooding master of the palace (and in this case, of a kingdom); she finds herself in a dire predicament that threatens not only her life, but also that of everyone she knows and loves...except that of her beloved husband, Ahasuerus...who appears to be the one largely responsible for that life-threatening predicament! Can Esther (aka Hadassah), with the help (along with a certain amount of hectoring) of her closest and dearest kinsman, Mordechai, defeat the wicked Haman? Can Our Heroine--again with the help of Mordechai--get the goodhearted (if somewhat dim) king to wake up and smell the wine before it's too late? Can Esther persuade her husband to permanently ditch that nasty law about the Royal Sceptre? To be honest, the book doesn't answer that last question. For answers to the others, you can read the Book of Esther in the Holy Scriptures...or you can read Behold Your Queen! I, for one, found the latter alternative a lot more fun.
Note: I am writing this review on a highly appropriate day.
Happy Purim!

Alicia Terrill (ReadCover2Cover)
This was okay, but the characters felt extremely flat and unrealistic to me. If you want a basic retelling of the story of Esther, this is decent and it definitely retells her story decently, but somehow it managed to not be much more interesting than the Bible version. The main characters were all so perfect and Haman was too evil for no real reason to be believable. I just feel like there is so much good material here for a fascinating story, but this story just didn't do it for me. The love s This was okay, but the characters felt extremely flat and unrealistic to me. If you want a basic retelling of the story of Esther, this is decent and it definitely retells her story decently, but somehow it managed to not be much more interesting than the Bible version. The main characters were all so perfect and Haman was too evil for no real reason to be believable. I just feel like there is so much good material here for a fascinating story, but this story just didn't do it for me. The love story felt forced and insta-love-y, the characters were very flat and too perfect, and I wasn't compelled to read it. In fact, I skipped a couple chapters to get to the good stuff at the end because I was bored. I don't want to give it a lower rating because luckily Esther's story is pretty great on its own, but I was somewhat disappointed after reading all of the glowing reviews. ...more
Nov 15, 2020 rated it it was amazing
My mom recommended this book to me YEARS ago, but it was out of print. I searched any time I went to a used book store. But just recently it's been reprinted so I ordered it from Amazon. It's the story of Ether in a YA novel form. It stays really close to the Bible account but just adds some details that make it come to life. The details added are not extensive, which made it a quick read and not especially beautifully written. But definitely helped me understand the story of Esther better and d My mom recommended this book to me YEARS ago, but it was out of print. I searched any time I went to a used book store. But just recently it's been reprinted so I ordered it from Amazon. It's the story of Ether in a YA novel form. It stays really close to the Bible account but just adds some details that make it come to life. The details added are not extensive, which made it a quick read and not especially beautifully written. But definitely helped me understand the story of Esther better and definitely worth the time. I read the Bible account directly afterwards and it made me pretty happy and grateful. ...more
Feb 27, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This was my favourite book as a teenager. Some of the book is problematic now that we know more about the historical period of Esther but when I was reading it I loved the window into what it must have been like for her to go through the experience and I appreciated that it had her falling in love with her husband. I still enjoy the characterizations in the book, to the point that at one time I was trying to adapt it into a musical. I still believe it's worth reading today with the context that This was my favourite book as a teenager. Some of the book is problematic now that we know more about the historical period of Esther but when I was reading it I loved the window into what it must have been like for her to go through the experience and I appreciated that it had her falling in love with her husband. I still enjoy the characterizations in the book, to the point that at one time I was trying to adapt it into a musical. I still believe it's worth reading today with the context that it's written predominately in a romantic style. ...more
Maria Drolet
A favorite childhood book

My sisters and I read and re-read this book when we were pre-teens. Over the years we've often talked about this book and wished we could read it again. I am delighted that it is back in print and available on Kindle. This book is definitely written for youngsters and an adult may question some things, but it is a great story that I will happily recommend to all the young and young at heart.

Linda Mcadams
Aug 15, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I was in the 7th or 8th grade when I read this book and it just spoke to me. She allowed herself to be mentored by those older and younger plus those beneath her realm of significance.
Great example for any young girl or woman for that matter.
Thankfully I now have my own copy which I can read again and again as desired.
Marsha Valance
Hadassah, a young Jewish girl living in Babylon during the Persian Empire, is chosen as a potential wife for the young ruler. Because Jews are subject to persecution, she takes the Persian name of Esther. "Behold Your Queen!", an appealing retelling of the Old Testament Book of Esther, was a main selection of the Junior Literary Guild in 1958. Hadassah, a young Jewish girl living in Babylon during the Persian Empire, is chosen as a potential wife for the young ruler. Because Jews are subject to persecution, she takes the Persian name of Esther. "Behold Your Queen!", an appealing retelling of the Old Testament Book of Esther, was a main selection of the Junior Literary Guild in 1958. ...more
I loved reading a more in depth account of Esther's story. The writing was a bit heavy on the descriptors at times and the author really belabored a some details. I just wanted to move on with the story. Overall it was a fun read I loved reading a more in depth account of Esther's story. The writing was a bit heavy on the descriptors at times and the author really belabored a some details. I just wanted to move on with the story. Overall it was a fun read ...more
Jan 14, 2018 rated it really liked it
This was actually a really good book, well thought out, if not a bit dated now. The story is familiar yet with just enough differences to have created intrigue.
This is a very nice version of Esther's story. This is a very nice version of Esther's story. ...more
Emily Gartland
I loved this book as a kid, but I wasn't quite as impressed with it as an adult. If I ever have a daughter in the middle school age range I would definitely give it to her to read though.
Gale Wilkinson
Aug 01, 2020 rated it really liked it
I enjoyed this book very much. It was fiction based on the story of Esther. It was a slow start but I enjoyed this look at Esther's romance with the king. It is not really Biblical.
Lynda Richter

I have loved this book since I was a teen. The book of Esther in the bible retold. great read for teens and for Adults too.

Gladys Malvern wrote almost four dozen books in her prolific career as a writer of historical and biographical Young Adult fiction. She was born in Newark, New Jersey on July 17, 1897. Her family roots were in Virginia and her ancestors include such historic American names as Lee, Rolfe, Randolph, and Custis.

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